Amaranth Seeds- Love Lies Bleeding
Amaranth Seeds- Love Lies Bleeding
Amaranth Seeds- Love Lies Bleeding
Amaranth Seeds- Love Lies Bleeding
Amaranth Seeds- Love Lies Bleeding
Amaranth Seeds- Love Lies Bleeding
Amaranth Seeds- Love Lies Bleeding
Amaranth Seeds- Love Lies Bleeding

Amaranth Seeds- Love Lies Bleeding

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Plant Type: Amaranth (Amaranthaceae)

Variety: 'Love Lies Bleeding,' also known as Dark Red-Pink Amaranth Seeds.

Flower Color: Dark red to pink.

Plant Characteristics: This distinguished amaranth variety, part of the Amaranthaceae family, boasts an upright growth with cascading inflorescence in shades of dark red to pink. Poetically named "Love Lies Bleeding," it conveys a sense of beautiful and profound love.

Meaning: The name 'Love Lies Bleeding' captures the cascading form of its inflorescence, evoking contemplation and a touch of melancholy. Symbolically, the color and shape of the flowers express love, passion, and emotion.

In summary, this amaranth variety is a captivating choice for gardens, offering not only unique aesthetics but also a poetic representation of love and emotion.

Growth Habit: Upright growth up to 8 feet with round to heart-shaped leaves and draping flower clusters. Taller plants may benefit from stakes for support.

Sun Requirements: Full sun, thriving in hot, humid conditions.

Soil Preference: Average, well-drained soil.

When to Plant: Direct seed in late spring after the risk of frost has passed OR start indoors 4-6 weeks before the last frost date.

How to Plant:

  • Direct Sow: Plant seeds in soil, ⅛” deep, covering lightly as the seed needs light to germinate. Keep soil moist until germination (10-14 days). Thin young plants 1-2 feet apart.

  • Transplant: Sow seeds in containers ⅛” deep, covering lightly. Keep soil moist until germination (10-14 days). Transplant after the risk of frost, spacing young plants 1-2 feet apart.

When to Harvest:

  • Harvest baby leaves as microgreens.
  • Pick tender green leaves once the plant reaches at least 1 foot.
  • Cut flowers when nearly fully open through summer and into fall.
  • Harvest seeds when they ripen in late summer to early fall.

How to Harvest:

  • Cut baby leaves or pick mature tender greens as needed.
  • Cut flowers on long stems, removing lower leaves to prevent premature wilt.
  • Cut seed heads and bundle them to dry indoors in a dark, dry space. Knock the bundles inside paper bags to easily gather seeds.

Uses: Amaranth is versatile with edible leaves, flowers, and seeds. Enjoy baby leaves as microgreens, larger leaves as a tender cooked green, and seeds as a high-protein, gluten-free grain or flour. The mature, drapey flowers also make beautiful additions to fresh cut flower arrangements. Additionally, this plant is used as a dye plant by the Hopi people.

Seize the opportunity to cultivate beauty and love in your garden! 🌸✨

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